Alex Ingram (Isobel Balfour’s brother) was ‘railway mad’. This film records a 1940s train ride from Edinburgh to Newtonmore Read More
1930s Raxaul, India Mission
Frank Balfour was the honorary Edinburgh Secretary in the 1930s for a medical mission in Raxaul, North India, on the border of Nepal. Nepal would not allow Christian missionaries into the country, so some medically-qualified Edinburgh people set up a hospital near the border, and many Nepalese came across for treatment. Read More
Common Grace and Saving Grace
The exclamation ‘Eureka!’ (‘I have found it!’) is attributed to the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes, after he discovered how the volume of irregular objects could be measured with precision. He had stepped into a bathtub and noted that the rise in the the water level (which could be measured) equalled the volume of the parts of his body he had submerged. A ‘Eureka moment’ now describes finding the answer to a puzzling question. Read More
1958 Wedding of Joyce Pryde and Ian Balfour
In 1958 Ian Balfour and Joyce Pryde were married at Bellevue Chapel, Edinburgh, surrounded by friends and family.
The following films are an insightful snapshot of that event.
1954 Third European Folk Festival, Germany
The following film shows Ian Balfour’s trip to Neustadt, North Germany for the Third European Folk Festival in 1954.
The Edinburgh University Country Dance Society, who did not have their own pipers, invited along Ian and Sandy Cram – who were members of the University Territorial Army Pipe Band. Music by
Edinburgh’s Ecclesiastical Heritage
40 church buildings in and around Edinburgh
Ian was involved when the Chapels Society ( visited Edinburgh in May 2015.
The members were primarily interested in the ‘architecture and historical importance’ of church buildings, and arranged two walking tours and one self-guided tour. The notes they provided, edited here by Ian, give an excellent overview of the profusion and variety of church buildings in the area.
Click the button for the full list:
Lesley Balfour and Family on Film 1959-1980
A retrospective put together for Lesley Balfour’s 21st birthday showing family footage from 1959-1980.
Music by Dorothy Collins. Royalty free instrumental music by
Balfour Family Holidays 1945-53
Over the years the Balfour family captured some fascinating footage on a cine film camera. Here you can see footage from 1945 all the way through to 1953. The next two sections in the index go on to cover family holidays, Ian and Joyce’s wedding, a train journey to Newtonmore and a trip to Nepal and North India. You can even see the Edinburgh trams, circa 1952.
Click to view a film:
♦ 1945 The Ingrams and the Balfours
♦ 1947 Tiree, Scotland
♦ 1948 Westray, Scotland
♦ 1949 County Antrim, Northern Ireland
♦ 1950 Edinburgh and the Highlands
♦ 1951 Guernsey and other Channel Islands
♦ 1952 Teignmouth, Devon and Princes Street, Edinburgh
♦ 1953 West Coast of Scotland and Brora by caravan
The Peril of Taking a Lawyer’s Advice
For the Baptist Union of Scotland 1976 Presidential Address, Ian Balfour expressed his own concern about four lawyers found in the New Testament, whose attitudes have had influence in our Churches. He goes further, warning the reader against taking their advice.
The Peril of Taking a Lawyer’s Advice
Tertullian – Translated Works: Volume One
As he read various scholarly works for the Ph.D. thesis, if Ian had time and inclination he dictated, in English, some of the German and French works to his secretary in the office, who typed them on interleaved pages and often improved the English as she did so. Here are the resulting translated documents.
Click to download:
♦ Bender, Wolfgang: Die Lehre über den Heiligen Geist bei Tertullian (1961)
♦ Chartier, P.Clément: L’excommunication ecclèsiastique d’apres les écrites de Tertullien (1935)
♦ Danielou, Jean: La Catéchèse aux Premier Siècles (1968)
♦ Fütscher, Lorenz: Die naturliche Gotteserkentnis bei Tertullian (1927)
♦ Geest, van der, J. E. L.: Le Christ et L’ancien Testament chez Tertullien (1972)
♦ Guilloux, P.: L Evolution Religieuse De Tertullien (1923)
♦ Refoule, R. F. : Tertullien, Traite De La Prescription Contre Les Heretiques (1957)
♦ Refoulé, R.F.: Traite du Bapteme (1952)
♦ Schlossman, Seigmund: Tertullian Im Lichte Der Jurisprudenz (1906)
♦ Schneider, Andre: Le Premiere Livre Ad Nationes De Tertullien (1968)
♦ Wolfl, Karl: Das Heilswirken Gottes Durch Den Sohn Nach Tertullian (1966)
See also Volume Two.