Photographs of other Chapel goups between 1989 and 2006, from the Chapel office.
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- 1. Bible Class met in sanctuary at 3pm, 1982
- 2. Women's Missionary Auxiliary, 1982
- 3. Women's Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 1983, held (at this time) in the sanctuary of the Chapel; Mrs Jean Hadden playing the piano
- 4. Top picture: repeat of no.3; Middle picture: Women's Wednesday afternoon Prayer Meeting, the same meeting, but without Mrs Hadden at the piano; Lower picture: Group 45 meeting in a home, 1983 - this composite was from an exhibition to celebrate the opening of the lounge in the spring of 1983
- 5. Senior party, 1982, Bobby Langlands
- 6. Senior party again
- 7. Senior party again
- 8. Robert and Margaret Armstrong in the new Chapel lounge, 1983, with the Missionary Roll of Honour in the background. These names were on four long wooden boards in the old lower hall, and were transferred to two wall plaques in the lounge. As the word 'missionary' became more and more widely used, it was impractical to maintain the Roll and the plaques are stored above the organ loft in the Chapel
- 9. The four surviving members who attended the first meeting of the Women's Morning Fellowship in 1957, at the jubilee reunion in January 2007
- 10. Betty Prime, Isobel Dudgeon, Nita and Peter Grainger, Eilish Agnew, Ruth McCall (at the piano) at the jubilee reunion of the Women's Morning Fellowship in January 2007
- 11. International Fellowship, Auchengillan 2005
- 12. 40 Days of Purpose Study Guide, 2006
- 13. '40 Days of Purpose', January and February 2006 - meal in the Asembly Rooms, served by Fellowship Group Leaders, as the final event of the intensive six-week course
- 14. 40 Days of Purpose, preparing meal
- 15. Christianity Explored, Chapel lounge, 2006
- 16. Christianity Explored, small group
- 17. Students after Sunday lunch
- 18. YPM, 2006
- 19. Guide 75th reunion, lounge, March 2006
- 20. Another of Guide reunion, this one also in book at p48