Photographs of office staff and caretakers, courtesy of Steve Paterson.
Category: History
Beulah Home 2001-06
Photographs of Beulah Home open days, 2001-06, courtesy of David Clement.
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- 1. May 2001, Alex Watt and Alex Somerville
- 2. May 2001, Bill Walker, Bill Denholm and John Shepherd (foreground)
- 3. May 2001, Chrissie and Stewart Harrison
- 4. May 2001, Derek and Anne Nash and family
- 5. May 2001, Diane Biddulph, Manager, at lunch table
- 6. May 2001, Dorothy Nash and Ann Shepherd
- 7. May 2001, Dorothy Nash, Sheila Landels
- 8. May 2001, Bill Denholm, John Shepherd, Shaun Gordon, Ian Finlayson
- 9. May 2001, Rachael Sprott, Elaine Kilbride, Michell McCrae
- 10. May 2001, Ruth McVicker, George and Dorothy Nash
- 11. May 2001,Muriel Mayo, Tess Wilson, May Borthwick, David and Isobel Fairgrieve, Shaun Gordon
- 12. May 2001, Sheila Finlayson and Jessie Robertson, nearest camera
- 13. May 2002, Diane Biddulph, Sheila Landels, Evelyn Sangster, Judith Paterson, Joyce Balfour
- 14. May 2002, Les Bell and Bill Denholm
- 15. May 2002, Marion Denholm cutting the anniversary cake
- 16. May 2002, Nan Purves and Ruth McVicker
- 17. May 2002, Nan Purves, Irene Low, Babs and Alex-Somerville
- 18. May 2003, Alec Cameron, George Nash, Ian Balfour
- 19. May 2003, Barbara Lyon, Donald and Evelyn Cormack
- 20. May 2003, Jean Hadden, Betty Murray, Nita-Grainger
- 21. May 2003, June Percival, Irene Lowe, Sheila Finlayson
- 22. May 2003, Kath Cameron and Ruth Steele
- 23. May 2003, Keith Percival and Peter Grainger
- 24. May 2003, Maureen and Barry Sprott, Rena Fairley and Rachael Sprott
- 25. May 2003, Nan Purves and Bill Denholm
- 26. May 2003, Nash family, Jamie Green, Deborah, Derek, Anne, Dorothy, children, George
- 27. May 2003, Nita and Peter Grainger, Alec-Cameron (centre)
- 28. May 2004, Bill and Lesley-Walker
- 29. May 2004, Bill and Marion Denholm
- 30. May 2004, conservatory and terrace
- 31. May 2004, garden from kitchen
- 32. May 2004, Ian Balfour, chairman, welcoming guests
- 33. May 2004, Isabel Hawkins and Irene Lowe
- 34. May 2004, Margaret Lindsell, manager of Beulah
- 35. May 2004, Marion Denholm, Sandra Jackson, Sheila Landels
- 36. May 2004, Sheila Landels cutting anniversary cake
- 37. May 2004, Ted Lindsell, Stewart and Chrissie Harrison
- 38. May 2004, terrace
- 39. May 2004, three members of staff, Doreen Clement, Catherine Gillies, Isabel Cassidy
- 40. May 2004, vegetable garden
- 41. May 2005, Beulah Home on Open-Day
- 42. May 2005, Bill and Marion Denholm
- 43. May 2005, Chrissie Harrison, Joyce Balfour, Irene Lowe, Ian Bafour, Peter Grainger, John Shepherd
- 44. May 2005, Janet, the gardener giving rhubarb away
- 45. May 2005, Marion Denholm cutting the anniversary cake
- 46. May 2005, Doreen Clement, Sandra Jackson, Kate Lungdren, Kathy, Margaret Lindsell, Michelle McCrae, Isabel Casidy, Olga and Juana
- 47. May-2005
- 48. May 2006, Adrian Todd and Ted Lindsell
- 49. May 2006, Alex and Babs Somerville, Eilish Agnew (centre)
- 50. May 2006, Arthurson family, Paul, Abigail, Esther, Sharon
- 51. May 2006, Doreen Clement, Pat Wilson, their mother
- 52. May 2006, Eilish Agnew cutting the jubilee anniversary cake
- 53. May 2006, Roger and Anna Pagan and son, Ted Lindsell and Jeremy Landless in background
- 54. May 2006, Janette Stout, Eilish Agnew and Rodney Stout
- 55. May 2006, Janette Stout, John and Heather-Penman
- 56. May 2006, jubilee (50 years) anniversary cake, 1956-2006
- 57. May 2006, Judith McVicker, Racheal Sprott, Grace-McVicker
- 58. May 2006, Margaret and Ted Lindsell
- 59. May 2006, Ray Ottley, George Wilson, Sheila-Landels
- 60. May 2006, Olive Burgess (resident), Rena Fairley, Margaret and David Wilson
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Pastoral team
Photographs of the pastoral team, courtesy of Steve Paterson and David Clement.
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- 1. Peter Grainger, senior pastor, 1992
- 2. Peter Grainger, senior pastor, 1992
- 3. Angus Noble, assistant 1993-6, Ian, Eve, Angus, Alison
- 4. Nic Roach, Associate pastor, 1995-6
- 5. Eilish Agnew, pastoral care, 1992-2006
- 6. Eilish Agnew, pastoral care, 1992-2006
- 7. Bill Denholm, associate pastor for pastoral care, 1999-2000
- 8. Ordination of Bill Denholm, 14 December 2003
- 9. Ordination of Bill Denholm
- 10. Ordination of Bill Denholm
- 11. Ordination of Bill Denholm
- 12. John Lowrie, pastor at Niddrie, 2000-07
- 13. John Lowrie, pastor at Niddrie, 2000-07
- 14. Visitation team, 29 February 2004
- 15. Colin Adams, various posts, 2003 to date
- 16. Colin Adams, various posts, 2003 to date
- 17. Richard Gibb, assistant 2005-6
- 18. Richard Gibb, assistant 2005-6
- 19. Michaela Forbes, youth worker at Niddrie, 2006
- 20. Rodney Stout, associate pastor for pastoral care, 2006
- 21. Isobel Dudgeon, pastoral care, 2006 to date of book
- 22. James Anderson, assistant, 2007 to date of book
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Two weddings
Two weddings held at Charlotte Chapel. Peter and Katy Wilson in 2000 and David and Kirsty Henry in 2002, courtesy D. Clement.
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- 1. 2000 Peter and Katy Wilson's wedding
- 2. 2000 Peter and Katy Wilson's wedding
- 3. 2000 Peter and Katy Wilson's wedding
- 4. 2000 Peter and Katy Wilson's wedding
- 5. 2000 Peter and Katy Wilson's wedding
- 6. 2002 David and Kirsty Henry's wedding blessing
- 7. 2002 David and Kirsty Henry's wedding blessing
- 8. 2002 David and Kirsty Henry's wedding blessing
- 9. 2002 David and Kirsty Henry's wedding blessing
- 10. 2002 David and Kirsty Henry's wedding blessing
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Powerpoint (28 September 2003)
PowerPoint at Charlotte Chapel, on 28 September 2003, courtesy the suppliers.
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- 1. Console for PowerPoint, in east 'bed recess'
- 2. Gallery showing camera
- 3. Camera from the east side
- 4. Main projection camera, from west of balcony
- 5. View from east gallery
- 6. Children's choir, with image of them on the screen
- 7. Another of children's choir
- 8. Norrie Wilson and helpers reading words on pulpit monitor
- 9. Norrie Wilson, with sermon points on screen
- 10. Publicity before the service started
- 11. Lounge, with the enlarged screen
- 12. Lounge, showing sermon points and speaker
- 13. Lounge, with the speaker (only) on the screen
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Chapel Building
Photographs of the Chapel building, from the Chapel archives.
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- 1. Artist's impression 1911 to promote appeal for funds
- 2. Laying foundation stone
- 3. East wall of present building, keeping original name
- 4. Hire of Synod Hall, 1920
- 5. Corner of Rose Street and South Charlotte Street
- 6. War memorial
- 7. Drawing by Gordon Borthwick c1970
- 8. Hymnbook cover
- 9. Sketch, 1961, for 'Raven' article and Wm.Whyte's book
- 10. Evangelical Alliance photograph, 1982, dark woodwork
- 11. East gallery, 1982
- 12. West gallery, 1982
- 13. Lower hall with chairs, 1981
- 14. Chapel during Roxburghe Hotel reconstruction 1998
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Other Chapel groups 1989-2006
Photographs of other Chapel goups between 1989 and 2006, from the Chapel office.
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- 1. Bible Class met in sanctuary at 3pm, 1982
- 2. Women's Missionary Auxiliary, 1982
- 3. Women's Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 1983, held (at this time) in the sanctuary of the Chapel; Mrs Jean Hadden playing the piano
- 4. Top picture: repeat of no.3; Middle picture: Women's Wednesday afternoon Prayer Meeting, the same meeting, but without Mrs Hadden at the piano; Lower picture: Group 45 meeting in a home, 1983 - this composite was from an exhibition to celebrate the opening of the lounge in the spring of 1983
- 5. Senior party, 1982, Bobby Langlands
- 6. Senior party again
- 7. Senior party again
- 8. Robert and Margaret Armstrong in the new Chapel lounge, 1983, with the Missionary Roll of Honour in the background. These names were on four long wooden boards in the old lower hall, and were transferred to two wall plaques in the lounge. As the word 'missionary' became more and more widely used, it was impractical to maintain the Roll and the plaques are stored above the organ loft in the Chapel
- 9. The four surviving members who attended the first meeting of the Women's Morning Fellowship in 1957, at the jubilee reunion in January 2007
- 10. Betty Prime, Isobel Dudgeon, Nita and Peter Grainger, Eilish Agnew, Ruth McCall (at the piano) at the jubilee reunion of the Women's Morning Fellowship in January 2007
- 11. International Fellowship, Auchengillan 2005
- 12. 40 Days of Purpose Study Guide, 2006
- 13. '40 Days of Purpose', January and February 2006 - meal in the Asembly Rooms, served by Fellowship Group Leaders, as the final event of the intensive six-week course
- 14. 40 Days of Purpose, preparing meal
- 15. Christianity Explored, Chapel lounge, 2006
- 16. Christianity Explored, small group
- 17. Students after Sunday lunch
- 18. YPM, 2006
- 19. Guide 75th reunion, lounge, March 2006
- 20. Another of Guide reunion, this one also in book at p48
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Uniformed organisations (Mostly 2006)
Photographs of uniformed organisations, mostly 2006, from the Chapel office.
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- 1. Brownies 1978
- 2. Brownies
- 3. Brownies
- 4. Canty Bay, 2006
- 5. Chapel football team, 2006
- 6. Climbers
- 7. Cub Summer Camp 2006
- 8. Cub Summer Camp 2006
- 9. Cub Summer Camp 2006
- 10. Cub Summer Camp 2006
- 11. Cub Summer Camp 2006
- 12. Cubs at Canty Bay
- 13. Discoverers were children from third birthday to Primary 1. After the Children’s Talk on Sunday morning, about 40 went to the top hall where, after an initial time together, they divided into classes for three, four and five year olds. Twelve teachers a Sunday were on a four-week rota.
- 14. Explorers
- 15. Explorers
- 16. FBI (Fearless Bible Investigators) was for Primary 5-7 (ages 8-11). They met at 12.30 p.m., after the morning service, with 34 on the roll and about 25 attended regularly. Their parents chatted in the Lounge over a cup of coffee until the family was reunited at 1.15 p.m.
- 17. FBI
- 18. Girl Guides Christmas Party
- 19. Fanny Clunes, Guide leader at Longstone, presenting awards in the lower hall in Charlotte Chapel, with the missionary map in the background; she went as a Chapel missionary to Kenya, to work with Guides there - Chapter 39.
- 20. Girl Guides, historical. Charles Dick presenting
- 21. Girl Guides, historical
- 22. Girl Guides, historical
- 23. Girl Guides
- 24. Girl Guides
- 25. Girl Guides
- 26. Sunday Focus also went out for Junior Church after the Children’s Talk.
- 27. YC = Youth Church, staying in for the whole of the annual Youth Sunday service and sitting above the clock in the gallery.
- 28. YC
- 29. YC
- 30. YC
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Sunday School 1970-77
Charlotte Chapel Sunday School, 1970-77, courtesy of David Clement.
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- 1. 1970 Sunday School party in Chapel lower hall
- 2. 1973 Sunday School Picnic
- 3. 1974 Sunday School Picnic
- 4. 1976 Sunday School party
- 5. 1977 Sunday School party
- 6. 1982 Sunday School class
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Group 35, Apex, CWR, 1970-2007
Photographs of Group 35 (so named as a median for ages 25-45), Apex (for Seniors) and CWR (a weekend training-seminar for women run in Edinburgh by the Christian Workers Resources), 1970-2007, courtesy of David Clement.
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- 1. 1970 Group 35 Dinner - left to right - Ronnie Donaldson, Alison Donaldson, Derek Prime, Betty Prime, Rodemary Sinclair, Norman Sinclair
- 2. 1973 Group 35 Party in the Lower Hall of the Chapel
- 3. 1975 Group 35 - Seacliff, East Lothian
- 4. 1978 Group 35 - left to right - Bryce Crawford, (2 x unknown), Beryl Smurthwaite, Lesley Walker, Bill Walker, (4 x unknown)
- 5. 1978 Ian Leitch, Alan and Marjory Redpath, Morag Leitch
- 6. 1978 Blaithwaite House, Cumbria
- 7. 1978 Group 35 - left to right - Stuart Sinclair, Hans Clausen, Chris Inchley (guitar), Colin Turner, (1 x unknown and children), Diana Guthrie (guitar), Graham Baker
- 8. 1978 Group 35 - starting centre, then left to right -Joyce Balfour (white cardigan), Phyllis Brown, Sandra Baker, Isobel Wood; others not identified
- 9. 1980 Group 35, Blair Atholl, Malcolm and Iris Fisher (rt), Bill Walker (front)
- 10. 1980 Group 35 at Blair Atholl
- 11. 1980 Sunday School picnic
- 12. 1981 Group 35 Party 1
- 13. 1981 Group 35 Party 2
- 14. 1983 Group 35 Party 1
- 15. 1983 Group 35 Party 2
- 16. 1983 Group 35 Party, Elizabeth Smith and Lesley Walker
- 17. 1984 Group 35 on the Bass Rock 1
- 18. 1984 Group 35 on the Bass Rock 2
- 19. 1984 Group 35 on the Bass Rock 3
- 20. 1987 Derek Prime, Alan Barlow, Barnton Church Anniversary
- 21. 1987 Donald Cameron at Barnton Church Anniversary
- 22. 2002 Fred Pender’s 50th Birthday - left to right - Fiona Cook, Gillian Pender, Donald Cameron, Gordon Lindhurst, Bill Walker
- 23. 2002 Fred Pender’s 50th Birthday 02
- 24. 2002 Fred Pender’s 50th Birthday 03
- 25. 2002 Fred’s 50th again - left to right - Bill Walker, Lesley Walker, Arleen Brailey, Fiona Cook, Norman Wallace
- 26. 2002 Fred Pender’s 50th Birthday - left to right - Dorothy Cameron, Irene Lowe, Jean Young, Elizabeth Smith, Isabel Hawkins
- 27. 2005 Apex in Scottish Parliament - talk by Karen MacCormick
- 28. 2005 Apex in Scottish Parliament 02
- 29. 2005 Apex in Scottish Parliament 03
- 30. 2007 Apex Scottish Evening, Bill Denholm leads epilogue
- 31. 2007 Apex Scottish Evening, music from Isabel Hawkins
- 32. 2007 Apex Scottish Evening, reading from Isabel Hawkins
- 33. 2007 Apex Scottish Evening, Lesley Walker
- 34. 2007 CWR Seminar - left to right - Ruth McVicker at keyboard, Katrina Anderson, (1 x unkown), Dorothy Cameron, Lorna Van der Merwe
- 35. 2007 CWR Seminar 1
- 36. 2007 CWR Seminar 2
- 37. 2007 CWR Seminar 3
- 38. 2007 CWR Seminar 4
- 39. 2007 CWR Seminar 5, Betty Grainger, left
- 40. 2007 CWR Seminar - left to right - Nita Granger, (speaker), Celia Barron, (speaker)
- 41. 2007 CWR Seminar, Shirley McLeod, Doreen McLean