1986, March – Rome
A week at Easter, flight from Edinburgh with Brittania Airways. Good hotel (Napeleon) looking onto a spacious grassy square, with a flower market, but supper on the first evening left Joyce with severe food-poisoning, so the time for exploring Rome was limited. Photographs of Ian, Joyce, Joyce with audio-guide in the Forum, going to the Coliseum and on our way to the Catacombs.
1986, June – Abernethy Ardeonaig Outdoor Centre, Loch Tay
A week at the Ardeonaig Outdoor Centre, run by the Abernethy Trust, who took (now closed) families when their training courses for students were closed for the summer. With a friend, Barbara Lyon and her daughter Fiona. Sailed dinghies on Loch Tay and ‘gorge walked’ up the local river with water pouring down.
1986, July – Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival
The second of five UK National Garden Festivals for the regeneration of derelict land in Britain’s industrial districts – see entry for June 1984. Leisurely visit to the area, which we did not know much about.

1986, August – Paris
A week in Paris. Flight to Beauvais-Tille Airport, which is branded as ‘Paris’ although it is 53 miles north-west of the city, and so cheaper for low-cost airlines – we went with Danair. Went round all the usual sights in good weather, except for one day, when it poured, so we sat on the top deck of a bus as it went round and round the city. Discovered the street Rue Descartes, packed with competing restaurants, where we ate most evenings. Photos of the Seine, Joyce keeping Venus de Milo company in the Louvre, Artists’ Quarter and the Eifel Tower.
1986, September – Cala d’Or, Majorca
A week at a hotel on a headland jutting out into the sea; spectacular views in all directions. This was our first Thomson’s ‘a la carte’ (superior) package, including a private car from and to Palma airport. Poor restaurant service, but a very relaxing week on the beach.